5 Quotes & Sayings By Patricia Love

Patricia Love has written more than 100 romance novels. Her books have been published in over 40 languages and have sold over 8 million copies. She is the author of several series, including The Brindleberry Club, the Carolina Dreams, the Texas Dreams, the Sweet Tea Brindleberrys, and the Connie Lake stories. Her novel, "Temptation at Midnight", was chosen as one of "Romantic Times" Top 100 Romances for 1998 Read more

She is also the author of four non-fiction works: "Saving Grace", "The Love You Make", "A Beautiful Life", and "A Change of Heart". Ms. Love also writes short stories and articles for various publications.

Psychotherapy isn't a twentieth-century artifice imposed on nature, but the reinstatement of a natural healing process. Patricia Love
If the parent represses the girl's anger not just once but over and over again, a deeper injury occurs: the girl will eventually dismantle her anger response. Ultimately, it's safer for her to cut off a part of her being than to battle the person on whom her life depends. Patricia Love
The anger response, like the fear response, is a frequent target for repression. Imagine a 6-year-old girl who is angry at her 10-year-old brother for teasing her. In response, she might make an angry face, yell at her brother, and strike out at him with her fists. It’s an instinctual, energizing reaction designed to protect her from danger. Someone is violating her sense of well-being, and she’s afraid that if she doesn’t stop the intruder, she’ll get hurt.“ A wise parent would validate the girl’s angerâ€Å–â€Åit’s infuriating to be teasedâ€Å–â€Åand help her find a verbal rather than a physical way to express it. ‘You are very mad at your brother for teasing you, ’ says this model parent, ‘I would be, too. Tell him in words how angry you feel. He needs to know.’ This way, the girl can protect herself from her brother and purge herself of her anger without having to resort to physical violence. Her self-protective anger remains intact. It has simply been given a ore ‘civilized’ form of expression. . Patricia Love
My only regret is that no one told me at the beginning of my journey what I'm telling you now: there will be an end to your pain. And once you've released all those pent-up emotions, you will experience a lightness and buoyancy you haven't felt since you were a very young child. The past will no longer feel like a lode of radioactive ore contaminating the present, and you will be able to respond appropriately to present-day events. You will feel angry when someone infringes on your territory, but you won't overreact. You will feel sad when something bad happens to you, but you won't sink into despair. You will feel joy when you have a good day, and your happiness won't be clouded with guilt. You, too, will have succeeded in making history, history. . Patricia Love